[Reader-list] Social network sites and Manufactured dissent

A. Mani a.mani.cms at gmail.com
Wed Feb 15 08:54:10 IST 2012


"What the study fails to mention, however, is the use of social media
by intelligence agencies for other purposes. The study leads us to
believe that social media is solely an intelligence gathering tool,
when in fact, a number of reports have shown that it is used for
propaganda and to create fake identities for covert operations. Those
practices are discussed in Army of Fake Social Media Friends to
Promote Propaganda, Social Media: Air Force ordered software to manage
army of Fake Virtual People and Pentagon Seeks to Manipulate Social
Media for Propaganda Purposes, published on Global Research in 2011.

The MCIS study is partly based on the “Arab Spring” framework which
allegedly “prompted the US government to begin developing guidelines
for culling intelligence from social media networks”. (Ibid.)

Again, this leaves out the fact that the U.S. Government provides
“activist training” to foreign nationals to destabilize their country
of origin. This tactic is detailed in Tony Cartalucci’s latest
article, Egypt: US-funded Agitators on Trial: US "Democracy Promotion"
= Foreign-funded Sedition.

“Cyber dissidence” is sponsored among others by CIA-linked Freedom
House. The First of The Bush Institute’s Human Freedom Events,
Co-Sponsored by Freedom House was titled “The Conference on Cyber
Dissidents: Global Successes and Challenges”



A. Mani

A. Mani

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