[Reader-list] Facebook Post = Arrest?

asit das asit1917 at gmail.com
Tue Nov 20 13:55:33 IST 2012

*Two young girls arrested:*
Yesterday, I was shocked by the news of the arrest of Shaheen Dhada, a 21
year old girl and her friend *for a comment on Facebook*.

Shaheen commented about the Mumbai shutdown following Bal Thackeray’s
funeral  - ‘*With all respect, everyday, thousands of people die, but still
the world moves on.....’ *

Shaheen was arrested for her comment and a friend who ‘liked’ her comment
was also arrested. They were charged with “promoting hatred and enmity and
offending religious sentiments” among other charges. Later they were
released on bail.

*Violation of constitutional rights:*
The charges against them are a blatant violation of the freedom of speech
and expression guaranteed by the constitution of India. So, I started a
petition on Change.org asking the Police Comissioner, Thane, K.P.
Raguvanshi to *drop the baseless charges against Shaheen and her

*Support from former SC judge:*
“*Under Article 19(1)(a) of our Constitution, freedom of speech is a
guaranteed fundamental right . We are living in a democracy, not a fascist
dictatorship. In fact this arrest itself appears to be a criminal act since
under sections 341 and 342 it is a crime to wrongfully arrest or wrongfully
confine someone who has committed no crime*.”- Justice Katju, Chairman,
Press Council of India, and former Judge, Supreme Court of India in his
letter to the Chief Minister of Maharashtra condemning this arrest.

*Public pressure works:*
A few months ago public pressure resulted in the charges against
cartoonist, Aseem Trivedi being dropped. It can happen again. If thousands
of us sign the petition, the Maharashtra Police would know that Shaheen is
not alone<http://www.change.org/en-IN/petitions/k-p-raghuvanshi-commissioner-of-police-thane-drop-charges-against-shaheen-and-renu-for-comments-about-mumbai-shutdown?utm_source=action_alert&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=13661&alert_id=lbbnPDMcjA_cKauxDPSVR>and
we all support the right to freedom of speech and expression.

Join me in condemning this act of the Thane police and get them to drop all
charges against Shaheen and her

Thanks for taking action,

Mukut Ray via Change.org

News Source : The Hindu : Mumbai shuts down due to fear, not

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