[Reader-list] Memorial Meeting for Vina Mazumdar

Ravi Sundaram ravis at sarai.net
Sat Jun 8 02:06:40 CDT 2013

*Memorial Meeting for Vina Mazumdar*

Prof. Vina Mazumdar , founder Director, Centre for Women's Development 
Studies,  well --known Social Scientist, Women's Studies scholar, 
educationist and activist left us in the early hours of 30^th May 2013.

Vina Mazumdar built and contributed to the setting up of numerous 
institutions and networks, inspired her numerous colleagues, made many 
friends, and touched the lives of all those she came in contact with In 
course of her life, lived through very interesting and tumultuous times. 
The infectious energy she brought to all her endeavours remained 
unmatched, even as her positive approach continued to draw many more, 
including younger people, into efforts towards building a better and 
more democratic society.

*A memorial meeting is being organized at the India International 
Centre, 40, Max Mueller Marg, New Delhi, in the Multipurpose Hall, New 
Block (Gate No. 1) at 3.30 p.m. on 11^th  June, 2013.*


We request all of you to join us in paying tribute to this extraordinary 
woman. We request you to join us in remembering Vina Mazumdar , by 
sharing some of your fondest memories,  salute her indomitable spirit 
and celebrate a life lived with the utmost excitement at every stage.

We request you to join us for *tea* after the meeting.

*Centre for Women's Development Studies*

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