[Reader-list] Screening of Lalit Vachani's film 'An Ordinary Election'

Praveen Rai praveenrai at csds.in
Thu Mar 26 03:05:57 CDT 2015

Centre for the Study of Developing Societies

invites you to a film screening

*An Ordinary Election*

(A film by Lalit Vachani)

Tuesday, 31 March 2015, 3.30 pm

CSDS Seminar Hall,
                            Tel: 011 23942199

29 Rajpur Road, Delhi 110054
                                                Fax: 011 23943450

Please join us for tea at 3 pm

                         email: jaya at csds.in

*An Ordinary Election* tells the extra-ordinary story of the Aam Aadmi
Party's debut election campaign in the constituency of RK Puram, Delhi.
>From the campaign war room to the streets, from the narrow lanes of urban
slums to the manicured parks of upper-class neighbourhoods, the crew
follows the candidate Shazia Ilmi and the ordinary men and women of the Aam
Aadmi Party fighting to change the terms of Indian democracy in an election
campaign where victory seems impossible.

As it documents the progress of the campaign, the film raises several
questions:  Both within and outside the party, who is the aam aadmi, the
common man? Can the Aam Aadmi Party live up to its own ideals of
decentralization and swaraj or self-rule?  What is the fine line that
distinguishes political sincerity from political expediency? The film is
the story of the battle for Indian democracy from up-close: an intimate
ground-up perspective of the anxieties, ambitions, struggles, and intrigues
from the electoral battleground itself.

*Lalit Vachani's* films include The Boy in the Branch (1993), The Starmaker
(1997), The Men in the Tree (2002), Natak Jari Hai (2005), In Search of
Gandhi (2007), The Salt Stories (2008), and Tales from Napa (2010).

Praveen Rai
Academic Secretary
Centre for the Study of Developing Societies
29, Rajpur Road
Delhi - 110054
Phone: 91-11-23942199

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