Practice is the daily ‘work’ (as verb) of art. It represents the sum of all the moves – practical, conceptual, affective, cognitive, philosophical, analytical and aesthetic – that occupies/de-occupies the state of our triangulation at any given point of time. Being contingent, this practice is a shape-shifting thing, prone to surprise itself as much it surprises others. Like a mycelial inhabitation, indeterminate and unbounded, it expands.

Unruly Iris of Dissent (U.I.D 2), Swamp & Marsh

Unruly Iris of Dissent (U.I.D 2), Swamp & MarshProjection of Video Loop, Variable Dimensions and, Prints (1 x 1 m)Exhibited at Art Heritage Gallery, New Delhi (2023) 12 years after The Unlikely Intimacy of Digits (2011), which animated a nineteenth century Bengali peasant’s handprint found in a London archive into a spectral count towards infinity, […]


Non-fungible, Digital object Video loop connected to fluctuating real-time global price index for gold  Non-fungible Speculations, Nature Morte, New Delhi (2022) 

The Ghost is Here Again

The Ghost is Here Again, 2014 Video Wallpaper The Laughter of Tears, Kunstverein Braunschweig, Germany (2021); The ghost is here again.To be neither witness, nor agent, not even provocateur, to be perhaps just a haunting laugh through time. To bundle sentience and turn on the electric wavelengths of interconnected metabolic surges coursing through the shared inhabitation […]

Tears (are not only from weeping)

Tears (are not only from weeping) Video loop, LED panel Duration: 05:59 “Laughter of Tears”, Kunstverein Braunschweig, Germany (2021) Tears are not only for weeping, they lubricate the possibility of vision. Sometimes we see things better when we cry, cry out aloud, or laugh, till the tears come unbidden.

Three Shadows

Three Shadows Video, loop Exhibited at The Laughter of Tears, Kunstverein Braunschweig, Germany (2021); Not Yet At Ease FirstSite, Colchester, United Kingdom (2018); ‘Spinal’, Fifth Street Gallery, London, United Kingdom (2019) In Three Shadows, the dancing figures in white have been isolated and animated to render them into ghostly spinning specters. This is in keeping with […]

Re Run

Re-Run | 2013 Video loop ‘Extra Time’ at Chronus Art Center, Shanghai (2013) |  ‘Untimely Calendar’ at NGMA, New Delhi (2014) | ‘Raqs Media Collective’ at K21, Dusseldorf (2018) Henri Cartier-Bresson took a photograph of a bank run in Shanghai in December 1948: A crowd of people desperate to get their money out of a bank in […]

Undoing walls

Undoing Walls| 2017 1’ 55” Animation loop, Variable Dimensions Can a “dysfunctional” wall structure be imagined so as to question the original intentions of a Government? Can a “welcoming” and useful wall be created; one that serves the communities that it is meant to separate and which proposes an alternative solution to human segregation, when […]

Carbon Twilight & Sleepwalker’s Caravan

Carbon Twilight Video loop Duration: 3:13 minutes National Gallery of Modern Art (NGMA), New Delhi (2014) The gatekeepers of the treasury have left the gates of the bank to stand guard over the twilight. A consignment of carbon moves between undisclosed stations under their watch. Sometimes, the shortest distance between the coalmine and the bank […]

The Dislocation of Degree Zero

Video loop Sharjah Biennial 11, Sharjah, United Arab Emirates (2013) In the present world, ever since the adoption of Greenwich Mean Time, the system of longitudes beginning and ending at an arbitrarily decided degree zero located at the Greenwich Observatory near London creates a notional global central axis and degrees of peripherality. This convention is […]

The Untold Intimacy of Digits

The Untold Intimacy of Digits Looped video projection (00:47 minutes) Lalit Kala Akademi, New Delhi (2011); Art Gallery of York University, Toronto (2011); Museum fur Moderne Kunst (MMK), Frankfurt (2012); NGMA, Delhi (2014); K21, Düsseldorf (2018) In every sum figured by power, a remainder haunts the calculation. Not everything adds up. A people are never […]

Misadventures of A Phantom Limb

Vertical Video Loop | 2011  “Asamayavali/ Untimely Calendar”, at the National Gallery of Modern Art, New Delhi (2014) Prevailing economic theories, no matter how rational they pretend to be, attribute a quasi-mystical power to the force that is imagined as governing the continuing fluctuations of production and exchange. Often this force is named an ‘invisible hand’. […]