[Reader-list] Opensource movement embraces .NET

Menso Heus menso at r4k.net
Tue Jul 10 01:41:28 IST 2001


"I'm not interested in ostracising a technology because 
a company is ugly," he told us today. "I'm interested in 
finding the best technology and implementing it so 
developers can write nice applications." 

It's just that .NET provides most of the answers in an acceptable, 
standards-blessed (it's going through the ECMA process right now) 
form, he says:- 

".NET solves a number of problems we've been trying to solve in GNOME," 
he told us today. "Instead of wasting our time trying to create a new 
standard we're embracing .NET and extending it for our own purposes." 

See URL's 


Anyway, the :// part is an 'emoticon' representing a man with a strip 
of sticky tape across his mouth.   -R. Douglas, alt.sysadmin.recovery

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