[Reader-list] Opensource movement embraces .NET

Raju Mathur raju at linux-delhi.org
Tue Jul 10 10:58:53 IST 2001

As far as I can make out Miguel has been trying to move into
money-making mode for quite some time, and this announcement will
definitely put him into a position to garner more venture capital.

Watch this initiative become a dot-com with a few millions VC within 6
months.  Watch Miguel waste^H^H^H^H^H spend money lavishly on
publicity, more freebies, huge ads.  Watch MS smile benevolently on
this latest acknowledgement of its ability to set ``standards'' for
the computing world.

The Oracle Hath Spoken.


-- Raju

>>>>> "Menso" == Menso Heus <menso at r4k.net> writes:

    Menso> Quote: "I'm not interested in ostracising a technology
    Menso> because a company is ugly," he told us today. "I'm
    Menso> interested in finding the best technology and implementing
    Menso> it so developers can write nice applications."

    Menso> It's just that .NET provides most of the answers in an
    Menso> acceptable, standards-blessed (it's going through the ECMA
    Menso> process right now) form, he says:-

    Menso> ".NET solves a number of problems we've been trying to
    Menso> solve in GNOME," he told us today. "Instead of wasting our
    Menso> time trying to create a new standard we're embracing .NET
    Menso> and extending it for our own purposes."

    Menso> See URL's

    Menso> http://www.theregister.co.uk/content/4/20270.html
    Menso> http://www.theregister.co.uk/content/4/20256.html
Raju Mathur          raju at kandalaya.org           http://kandalaya.org/

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