[Reader-list] On technology(ies) and ...violence

Supreet Sethi supreet at sdf.lonestar.org
Fri Dec 20 14:46:01 IST 2002

But first and obvious question before asking any of those questions is 
what is \technology? Where does it exist and how does it help. Because I 
tend to define \technology as a sort of adaptation which allows and 
species a advantage in surv\ival(short term / long term).
An interesting example would be multiple marriage system in muslims, its a 
sort\ of social change brought about due to low male population after holy 
wars with\ christian. It is also a technique to balance out male/female 

You see techenology every where in animal kingdom. Having built high 
quality st\ealth, chemical warfare and camaflauge techeniques long before 
human being came\ along.

Rats and snakes have never signed a peace treaty. Snakes have one of the 
most l\ethal chemicals under their hood coupled with infra red heat 
sensing system. Bu\t rats never complained they developed there own ways 
to survive that is to rep\roduce quickly and to have high matabolic rate.

It also exists at cellular and genetic level.
HIV is case in point.

Technology bringing long term changes in a species would be probably be 
called \adaption.

You and me have been using soap for so long that skin cells would have 
lost its\ ability to resist against microbes penetration. Lets say one day 
all the soap \producing factories go dead. Guess who would survive, maybe 
tribals from santha\l parganas or pygmeys of congo and probably americans 
as  a week branch would b\e enslaved by them.

Trying to look at technology the way Darwin saw Galapagos

etc and supreet

PS: If you are not able to make head or tail of what I wrote, do'nt worry 
you are not the only one.

supreet at sdf.lonestar.org
SDF Public Access UNIX System - http://sdf.lonestar.org

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