[Reader-list] The Poverty of Debate on Iraq

Are Flagan areflagan at artpanorama.com
Thu Feb 20 06:13:33 IST 2003

Re: 2/19/03 16:09, "Rana Dasgupta" <rana_dasgupta at yahoo.com>:

> I think the rather pathetic Fox News slight - though
> not intended for the public domain - is therefore
> completely unjustified.

But FOX News, on the other hand, is intended for and shapes the public
domain...so why should an argument that questions an argument that closely
follows it's rhetoric, albeit with a different outcome, then be deemed
pathetic, cruel and unjustified?

The point is to recognize that if one accepts that the world is a field of
flows, forces and vectors, one must in the same instance give up on the
universality of anything being just "right" or "wrong." Einstein tried to
quantize space and time for decades to come up with a unified theory and,
gravity always pending, failed. Powerful fields push and pull with different
forces depending on where you are and who you are. Einstein worked around
the problem by establishing _constants_ to make the other parts operative,
but we now have compelling theories that argue for the variable speed of
light and, thereby, open up for the possibility of parallel universes.

My time here has expired.


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