[Reader-list] Digital Shoplifting

Curt Gambetta cugambetta at yahoo.com
Fri Jul 11 17:22:54 IST 2003

I came across this on the BBC a few nights ago.
Apparently, to give one example, women have been using
their camera-equipped cell phones in Japan to capture
hair styles in magazines they fancy and show them to a
hairdresser or friend for an opinion (one among many
'crimes,' many revolving around voyeurism). This has
been dubbed "digital shoplifting," and the Japanses
Magazine Publisher's Assocation has launched a public
awareness campaign, because they feel they are being
cheated... now people won't buy the magazines (perhaps
now the magazines 'under threat' will have to
overhaul, even improve their written content to lure
readers...) The BBC link is below, and any google
search will bring about countless links if you seek
more information...



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