[Reader-list] Anhad initiative

zehra rizvi fatimazehrarizvi at hotmail.com
Wed Mar 26 00:02:30 IST 2003

rehan ansari had written a piece about activists and how they look...he was 
referring to bayard rustin and the 60's activisits, their style, their 
flair, their politics.  he was comparing them to the activisits of 
today...no style, no flair, tired out looking boring folk...(today at the 
time he was writing was perhaps september 02 or so)...a friend/housemate of 
mine, kiran was talking about the recent protests in nyc and around the 
world and how activism was replaying a revivial of the fervor of the 60's.  
coming out from a 50's/90's kind of complacency, people getting riled up.  
but more i guess, being paid attention to.  im thinking through what she has 
said but the question that concerns me more...:

does this mean we are sexy again?

we can start signing off emails
no justice, no peace
no blood for oil
tell me what democracy looks like/this is what democracy looks like

in solidarity (you n me baby!)
when did *I* become so cynical?
or rather when did i want to start cutting through the bullshit?  it just 
seems like a trend takes off and everyone wants to start an 
organization/magazine/collective/website/popsicle stand and be the first and 
the best and just like in academics, they take ONE good idea one had in grad 
school 15 years ago, and 'rugrofy' it to death and still try to keep it 
is the world so bereft of ideas....or we of attention?

too many layers to get into.
anyone else want to start peeling?

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