[Reader-list] settlement a nizamuddin basti

Pasha mapasha at indiatimes.com
Thu Jun 17 21:16:04 IST 2004

dear yousuf 
i'm sorry for not having responded to your mail earlier. the dates which i have stated in the postings have been taken from nizami bansuri written by hasan sani,  a scholar on nizamuddin aulia and whose family claims to be the real descendents of the saint, so if there is a conflict in the dates which u have come across and the ones which i have stated, the only thing that i think can be done is to give the probable dates cited by different scholars. the story about amir khusro's grandfather has also been taken from the same book [ which is basically a compilation of oral history ] and according to it he was still alive when amir khusro became a disciple of nizamuddin aulia and did in fact give him refuge in his haveli at arab ke sarai in old delhi. also chaunsat khambe is the tomb of shamsuddin who was the brother of mirza aziz kokantash, i am sorry if i had mis splelt kokantash earlier.
i am glad that u are taking a keen interest in our research and hope that u will continue to do so in the future. 
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