[Reader-list] FRAMING ABUSE: Media Influence and Public Understanding of Sexual Violence Against Children

- - mirzachhotoo at yahoo.co.in
Thu Sep 9 21:00:58 IST 2004

by Jenny Kitzinger


Published by: Pluto Press, 2004


The book can be ordered via: www.plutobooks.com


This book offers fascinating insights into how the media shape the way we think. Combining in#8209;depth analysis of media representations of sexual abuse with interviews with nearly 500 journalists, campaigners, abuse survivors and a cross#8209;section of 'the public', Jenny Kitzinger explores the media's role in contemporary society.  


Which stories attract attention and why? What strategies do journalists and campaigners use to engage people?  How do we respond to television and press reporting? The research presented in this volume demonstrates how the media can impact on people's knowledge of the 'facts', perceptions of risk, sense of appropriate policy responses and even how we interpret our own experiences.


Kitzinger examines feminist initiatives to challenge sexual violence, the

historical emergence of incest as a social problem and the development of new survivor identities. She also explores stereotypes around sex offenders, interrogates protests against 'paedophiles#8209;in#8209;the#8209;community' and presents a detailed analysis of the impact of scandals about disputed abuse accusations. 


This book is essential reading for those interested in theories about media

influence and social change.  It is also a key resource for anyone who is concerned about sexual violence, involved in designing intervention strategies or who wishes to encourage responsible journalism.


Jenny Kitzinger is Professor of Media and Communications Research at the School of Journalism, Media and Cultural Studies, Cardiff University. She is co-editor of 'Developing Focus Group Research' (Sage) and co-author of 'The Mass Media and Power in Modern Britain' (Oxford University Press) and 'The Circuit of Mass Communication: media strategies, representation and audience reception in the AIDS crisis' (Sage).

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