[Reader-list] Fwd: Marxism 2005

arisen silently arisen.silently at gmail.com
Fri Apr 22 12:11:14 IST 2005

Marxism 2005 
Phone 07815790913 Fax 020 7538 0018 Email marxism at swp.org.uk website

Dear Friend, 
Marxism 2005 takes place this year from the 7th-11th July. This is
directly after the mobilisations against the G8 in Scotland and weeks
after the General election in which the Respect Coalition is mounting
the most serious radical left challenge to Labour for almost 50 years.
Many issues facing our movement will be discussed at Marxism this year
including, where next for the left after the election, the current
strategy of US imperialism, Hugo Chavez and the revolts in Latin
America, the future of the anti-capitalist movement and how we fight
racism in Britain. In addition there will be many more meetings on
art, music plus Marxist philosophy and economics.
Speakers at this year's Marxism include, Samir Amin, Tony Benn, George
Galloway, Gillian Slovo, Gareth Peirce, Trevor Ngwane,  David Harvey,
Gilad Atzmon, China Mieville, Bob Crow, Victoria Brittain, Harold
Pinter, Alex Callinicos, Winston Silcott and Lindsey German.
For a full list of speakers, plus a list of the range of meetings on
offer, accommodation etc please visit our new website at
You can also book on-line using our safe, secure booking area at
www.marxism2005.net or alternatively phone 07815790913.
We hope to see you again at this year's event, 
Best wishes 
Marxism 2005 office
marxism at swp.org.uk

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