Manosh Chowdhury manoshchowdhury at yahoo.com
Fri Jul 22 11:39:03 IST 2005

Dear Group members, 
The note is just too arrogant and violent to go through. As far as I can remember, I never was a Muslim, still I just feel degraded reading it. Look at the language.!! However this is not very 
uncommon in the everyday lexicals of the Western commoners who, pathetically, are the products of state-sponsored ignorance, stupidity and arrogance - mostly in the US, but significantly in the European nations too. And yes, we can remember that India is being more more credible South Asian counterpart of the West. What a demonstration!     
I understand that SARAI is a moderated group. How can this note by Vedavati Jogi (hopefully with a number of supporters all around in India) be transmitted in the forum without any CRITIC [I repeat it] from the moderator-desk? 
manosh chowdhury  

Vedavati Jogi <vrjogi at hotmail.com> wrote:
demonstrations will not serve any purpose, muslims are not accepting common 
civil code under the pretext of 'secularism, pluralism' etc.etc. first ask 
them to accept the law of the land or else pack them off to pakistan or any 
arab country.

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