Manosh Chowdhury manoshchowdhury at yahoo.com
Fri Jul 29 17:43:16 IST 2005

Can anybody tell me please the role of SARAI-moderator? I cannot find the desk, truly. And not incidentally, I am not an Indian [But I know the slogan "Mera Bharat Mahan", and I can see the the greatness through the group members]. Or Ms. Vedavati Jogi is considered to be the justification of the great democracy and plurality? Pathetic!
manosh chowdhury       

Vedavati Jogi <vrjogi at hotmail.com> wrote:
thank you very much for this compliment though i am not a rss volunteer!

i find reflection of a typical muslim mind in your letter. very first thing, 
lets adopt shariah, now tell me will you & your secular brothers & sisters 
accept punishments like amputing hands & legs? only because you are in india 
you are allowed to talk any stupid thing against hindus & hindustan, will 
pakistan give this freedom to any non-muslim?

secondly, gujrat happened because godhra happened.because muslims can 
understand only this language used by gujrati brothers.

third thing, non of the countries on this earth has ever taken pride for 
invader's deeds, hindus did the best thing that they dismantled babri 
masjid. now they should take law in their hands & complete the remaining 
task of dismantling remaining masjids which were erected by dismantling 
hindu temples.

fourth point, indian army is facing lot of pressure in kashmir, they don't 
have time for looting or raping the kashimiris, people like you are traitors 
i must say, who are trying to demoralise our military.if you get some time 
please go to kashmir & see for yourself how many mandirs have been burnt, 
how many houses vacated by pandits have been looted,captured or even 
burnt....for your kind information i am a maharashtrian married to a 
kashmiri pandit who has become refugee in his own country because of muslims 
like you.

now tell me why shouldn't we throw you out of this country?
vedavati ravindra jogi

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