[Reader-list] on sudesh' critique

rochelle pinto rochellepinto at yahoo.com
Thu Mar 3 16:34:39 IST 2005

Sudesh you still don't address the question of privacy. i think there are a number of issue involved here. for one, even if documentaries have a select audience as you suggest, in india, this still doesn't guarantee control. further, if the subjects have themselves asked for privacy, can one actually disregard it?

One would think though, that technology can provide other means of concealing identities other than banning the screening of a film in India. Further, the idea that if it is shown elsewhere, it cannot rebound on the inhabitants of Sonagachi seems naive.

During the coverage of the current occupation of Iraq within the US, Iraqi 'suspects', accused of anything from theft to terrorism during road patrols by US soldiers, were frequently displayed on television without the slightest concern that they had not been convicted of these crimes or that their lives would be affected if they were recognised by viewers within the US.  If a white person were represented in the same manner, there is no doubt that this would be seen as a violation of human rights. 

All of this has less to do with sensitivity of Indians versus other nationalities, and more to do with the perceived threat to the existence and life of subjects from viewers.



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