[Reader-list] Thought Thieves Steal Ideas FROM YOUR HEAD!

Aniruddha Shankar karim at sarai.net
Sun May 15 14:43:06 IST 2005

Shining defender of freedom of expression, originality and author's
rights, Microsoft Corp.,  is running a short film contest to win 2000
pounds of film and video equipment vouchers. The subject ?

A film on how you would feel and what you would do "if you saw your hard
work being passed off as the property of someone else". The short film
on "intellectual property theft" has to be in by the first of July.

O apathetic masses, "Think about it: what would a world look like
without protection for intellectual property?"[1]

Any takers ? And you, yes, you in the green shirt and the overly long,
tangled hair, I know what you're up to! You're trying to STEAL MY IDEAS
FROM MY HEAD!! Luckily for me I've wrapped my head in tinfoil so your
SinistroWaves cannot penetrate through to my precious, wetly throbbing
intellectual property. And don't think that recension/fair use/parody
crap will stand up in courts forever! What's that ? Microsoft infringed
Sun's[2] copyrightand trademark? SPX's[3], Eolas'[4],Intertrust's [5]
and Stac's[6]  patents? Well, Microsoft is reformed now, and they're
trying to support independent filmmakers. Cynic. I bet you're trying to
steal my ideas right now.

The contest poster is at
The contest website is www.msn.co.uk/thoughtthieves

[1] http://www.msn.co.uk/thoughtthieves/creating/
[2] http://tinyurl.com/8v3wu
[3] http://tinyurl.com/ajcbk
[4] http://tinyurl.com/a8taf
[5] http://tinyurl.com/77btz
[6] http://www.base.com/software-patents/articles/stac.html

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