[Reader-list] Taj Mahal ka tender , Hindi theatre of the day

s|s supreet.sethi at gmail.com
Mon Oct 17 23:38:30 IST 2005

Hi people,
Recently saw this play. Many question arose. And I along with the really
short review wanted to share those questions with fellow hindi speaking

Taj Mahal ka tender, a play depicting the current style governance. The
satire relocates the Emperor Shahjahans wish to make a mosoleum for his
beloved in 21st century and its execution or *rather execution* at hand of
current beurocracy.

The play is so apt, because Hindi/Urdu of our times fits in double meanings
and innaundos of corruption so well.

But looking at this play, and few others one wonders, whats happening in
Hindi/Urdu theater scene. Is satire dead as a style, if not why are we still
looking at few plays written 70s and 80s, re-contextualized but still not
global in there outlook.

Although some like Agra Bazaar, by Habir Tanvir, looks at larger issues
taking the perspective of the everyday. But why not now, why are'nt any
plays being written in todays context.

Is hindi theatre dead. Is it fallen in trap of same beurocratic pen pushing
which some of these plays point at in edgy manner.
URL: http://supreetsethi.net/drupal/360_hindi_theatre

With hope that things are not a bleak as they look

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