[Reader-list] Please JOIN pro-reservation agitation in Delhi

Pankaj kaushal penguinhead at linux-delhi.org
Wed May 24 11:09:17 IST 2006

Shivam wrote:
> Pankaj,
> I didn't cite his life history as an argument for reservations. I was
> just responding to your making fun of the grammatical errors in his
> email.

Do not take a side pro/anti reservation, it is a complex issue and
without explaining it -- one should not forward any sentiments to a
group of people.

If there were any substance in the mail, I could have dissected it.
There was none. I was not trying to trivialize the matter any more than
you were by asking us to go to jantar mantar.

Let me introduce you to a new un-word,

sarchasm (särc'kz'am)
1. (n.) The gulf between the author of sarcastic wit and the recipient
who doesn't get it.

Gentlemen! You can't fight in here; this is the war room!

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