[Reader-list] Buff or beef?

Tapas Ray t.ray at vsnl.com
Tue Jan 23 02:14:52 IST 2007


I would give an arm and a leg to learn their secret. But are you sure that 
secret doesn't consist in being stoned out of one's mind most of the time, 
so as not to notice that one is eating or drinking anything, or even that 
one has a body?

Sorry, Shashi, your German pals sound too much like our Indian jokers.


> Looks like the joke turned on me!

> I was at the Ardh Kumbh, where i met people who eat all kinds of things,
> some of them true other so
> much like me. But BOSS Tapas, there was this whole crowd of people from
> Germany , who live on
> only an apple a day and there was a certain head of the congregation who
> had not consumed any food
> or water in the last so many years. And these were not like the indian
> joker fakir's they lead very
> productive capitalist lives. Working in factories and schools.

> It is possible to live without many things, least of all food... untill we
> find the way let us all hunt and
> gather

> Getting a little fatter by the day

> Shashi

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