[Reader-list] A Step Towards Progress...why do Muslims need a separate law.... because US and UK...

gowhar fazli gowharfazili at yahoo.com
Mon Jan 29 13:23:30 IST 2007

Why would you not let them (believers) make that
choice for themselves?  Why do you have a problem if
Muslims choose to maintain a separate personal law? 
Rules of the land are made by people and people make
choices about what law they should adopt... 'land' by
itself makes no law!  What do you want the secularists
to do?  Be more vocal in defense of freedom of
choosing personal law or to oppose it?  I personally
feel that we should collectively negotiate the law we
want for ourselves but would like to respect the
choice of  certain religious people to continue with
their differences if they choose to do so as long as
they please... It does not trouble me like you... only
as long as they do not oppress their own members
through that difference.... or prevent individual
members from opting out or opting in.

Why do you think the law of the 'land' is so
sacrosanct? And why do you think all secularists have
to believe that only one kind of law for all kinds of
people is the right thing to do?  Why do you want
every one to be the same and think the same?  Do you
want the world to be simpler for you to comprehend?  

Genetics suggests that diversity is the very mechanism
by which species evolves and has better chances to
survive in a dynamic world.  Perhaps extending that
logic to the notion to truth... in wake of the
collapse of all absolutes... it is better not to
modernise all or convert everyone to the same faith.

Have i off-shot? Do you have specific problems with
non-uniform (customised!) personal laws? 

Why do you suppose uk and usa are divine examples???
We are no longer colonies... and can differ.

"why can't it happen in 'secular india'?" Heard that
song "It only happens in India"!!   :)

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