[Reader-list] March on -empyre- soft-skinned space: Baudrillard Enoncé, or, The Future of Theory

Christina McPhee christina112 at earthlink.net
Fri Mar 9 12:30:38 IST 2007

Baudrillard Enoncé, or, The Future of Theory

with Aliette Guibert Certhoux and McKenzie Wark


Moderated by Nicholas Ruiz III (US)  editor, intertheory.org and  
Christina McPhee (US), artist

with special guests  Aliette Guibert Certhoux (FR), editor, editions  
critical secret, Paris  http://wwwcriticalsecret.com

and McKenzie Wark (AU/US) Associate Professor of Media Studies,  
Eugene Lang College and the New School for Social Research, New York

énoncer :  to convey 'in a particular manner of speaking or  
presentation,' quite similar to English  'enuciation,' perhaps with  
more subtle depth..

With the passing of Baudrillard, it seems  timely and important to  
reflect on how philosophy matters,  how it is énoncé,  in our lives.

The conversation will be bilingual in French and English,  
translations included.

Please join us!  contribute your writing, exchange ideas and  
observations.  Subscribe at http://www.subtle.net/empyre

our guests:

Guibert  Certhoux: De l’enfance -- qui lui a donné à apprendre  
l'enfance de ses parents, celle
de ses grand-parents, celle de ses arrière-grand-parents, à celle de  
ses propres enfants et petits-enfants, et d'autre part, de  
l’environnement de
leurs amis et partenaires jusqu'à l'environnement divers des siens,  
aimés, amis, alliés, et rencontres, elle imagine trois siècles de  
diversité sociale
en même temps, sans diplôme et sans parti sinon celui de  
l'insoumission légitime au troisième millénaire, ce qui fait la  
complexité insolente, mais
sans complexe, de l’actualité de la directrice des publications, de  
la revue criticalsecret.com --, toutes disciplines confondues y font  
le lit de
l'indiscipline féconde.

Wark is the author of Gamer Theory (Harvard University Press, 2007),  
A Hacker Manifesto (Harvard University Press 2004) and other things.  
He teaches at the New School for Social Research and Eugene Lang  
College in New York City.  http://www.ludiccrew.org/wark/


------------------------------------------------->Nicholas Ruiz III  
was born in New York City in 1970. He teaches in the Humanities  
Program in the University of North Carolina at Asheville.  He is the  
author of The Metaphysics of Capital, (Intertheory Press, 2006). He  
is also the editor of Kritikos.  http://intertheory.org/kritikos

------------------------------------------------>Christina McPhee is  
a media artist in California.  Forthcoming  2007 exhibitions include  
"Carrizo Parkfield Diaries" at the American University Katzen Art  
Center Museum,  Washington DC;  and "La Conchita N=Amour" at  
Thresholds Artspace, Horsecross, Perth, Scotland.  Her work is  
represented by Sara Tecchia Roma New York http://saratecchia.com

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