[Reader-list] Stand up and be counted

Pawan Durani pawan.durani at gmail.com
Wed Dec 3 10:23:21 IST 2008


*Those who can't protect India must go*

Where does one start after such a terrible tragedy? It has been five days
since the dastardly attacks on our land. We are trying to dust off, stand up
and move on. Move on, we will. But forget we will not. Forget we should not.
Not today, not tomorrow, not ever. We all need to remember this and other
previous heinous attacks on our freedom and make sure that we keep our blood
warm. Time has come when we just cannot move on with our lives and take
pride in our resilience and the so-called 'spirit'. Yes, we are proud of our
resilience and spirit but that does not mean that we give a limitless
'licence to kill' to these Islamic terrorists.

It is a shameful act that a dozen odd Islamic terrorists could inflict such
damage to our city of Mumbai and it took three full days to flush out these
inhumane Islamic terrorists. I will not blame the security forces. They did
the best they could do with the available resources. They fought
round-the-clock for 60 odd hours and saved many innocent lives. But for
their valour, dedication and commitment, we would have lost many more lives.
I salute them. The blame for this heinous crime against humanity falls
squarely on the Government of the day. It is the politicians who have made a
huge mess of our great nation. The politicians are busy feathering their
nests while the nation's security system is rotting.

It is unfortunate that the Indian Government is run by selfish and corrupt
politicians who will not see beyond their nose. All that matters to them is
their political power. More than two years have passed since a series of
terror attacks rocked us and nothing has changed. Terrorist attacks have
continued. Loss of innocent lives has continued. And politicians' senseless
speeches and promises have continued. Even today, if common men, women and
children of this great nation do not take charge, politicians will continue
to play the same game -- the game they have mastered pretty well. Even
today, politicians of all hue and colour are trying to gain political
mileage out of this tragedy. While all this happened, politicians warmed
their hands. Please do not get swayed by politicians and their speeches. It
would have make no difference whosoever stayed in power. No one is
different. They are all made of the same material. Just the party name and
symbols are different.

Time has come to speak up, stand up and be counted. Time has come for common
Indians to take a stand and root out the corrupt politicians. Time has come
for honest and decent Indians to take charge and be part of the political
process. Time has come for a new progressive party "Common Indians" made up
of common Indians for whom all that matters is India. These common Indians
have to take charge and decide the destiny of the India of future -- a
stronger India, a self-sufficient India, a proud self-respecting India. Time
has come to throw away the veil of political correctness that has made most
of our politicians incompetent and impotent. Time has come to call these
terrorists what they are -- barbarians, inhumane, and Islamic terrorists.
Time has come to stand up against bullying by any other nation, Eastern or
Western. Time has come to first stand up for India and then worry about
others' interests. Time has come to stop all appeasement policies.

Time has come to implement a uniform civil code in the country. Time has
come to strengthen the nation as one strong united nation without any
special status to any particular State. Time has come to teach Pakistan a
lesson -- a lesson that should be the last lesson this failed country will

Time has come to destroy the failed nation of Pakistan because its mere
existence is inimical to the rest of the world. If its leaders cannot take
care of the Islamic terrorist factories and Islamic *jihadi*s it has been
producing, then India needs to take action and root out the evil. We cannot
let this festering wound continue to bleed us and our future generations. It
has to stop.

Enough is enough.

Let all Indians stand up, be counted and take charge. It is our time.

The author of this article maybe reached at lalitkoul at yahoo.com

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