[Reader-list] Kashmiri 'bandits' should .... return to their ancestral home - Washington declaration

Shivam Vij शिवम् विज् mail at shivamvij.com
Thu Jul 17 18:42:00 IST 2008

While a typo can be ignored, the question is worth asking: what prevents
pandits from being 'faciliated' to return? Militancy has declined, nobody is
holding a gun to Pandits' temples and quita  few happily (especially
businessmen) are spending six months in the Valley and six in Delhi. But
many. Why has the package of Rs. 16,000 crores been rejected? Do Pandits
even want to reurn, considering 70% have sold their land back home? And why
don't they want to return, considering they can buy land? Is it political
reasons rather than safety? Is is that many non-Jammu migrants are well
settled in Delhi, Pune, Bangalore, New York? Is it that returning would mean
giving up the political uses of victimhood and let 'separatists' say, "Look,
even the Pandits are back." I am not making these allegations but asking
questions. Like all communities the Pandits are a divided community.
Kshmendra Kaul does not represent them all. Everyone has different reasons
and different circumstances.


On 7/16/08, Kshmendra Kaul <kshmendra2005 at yahoo.com> wrote:
> A "International Kashmir Peace Conference" was held Washington D.C,
> 14th-15th July. It adopted the "Washington Declaration".
> The website of "Association of Humanitarian Lawyers", one of the sponsors
> of the Conference, furnishes the text of the "Declaration"
> Point 8 in it reads "The Conference calls for protection of all minorities.
> All the displaced persons including Kashmiri bandits should be facilitated
> to return to their ancestral home."
> http://www.humanlaw.org/kashmirstatement.html
> Did not know that "bandits" had been displaced out of Kashmir. At least
> they are being called 'displaced' and not 'migrants'
> KK
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