[Reader-list] American Imperialism, Hindu Brahmanism, Islamic Terrorism

Kshmendra Kaul kshmendra2005 at yahoo.com
Thu Jul 24 19:04:16 IST 2008

Just thinking aloud.
One often comes across people (on SARAI and elsewhere) that can see:
- Imperialism as the defining aspect of the Americans/USA (usually to the exclusion of all else)
- Brahmanism as the defining aspect of Hindus/Hinduism (usually to the exclusion of all else)
- Terrorism as the defining aspect of Muslims/Islam (usually to the exclusion of all else)
These are just 3 examples.
In a curious sort of way such sets of people (whichever their favourite 'hate' might be) are alike in the manner in which they view things. Their 'obsessiveness' clouds their intellect and ability to look at things in context. 
Just a thought.


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