[Reader-list] Narcissism / Faith / Models

Taha Mehmood 2tahamehmood at googlemail.com
Fri Feb 27 03:03:40 IST 2009

Dear Jeebesh

How can an institution otherwise come into being if not by taking into
cognizance other experiments in institutional building? And if they were to
suggest some further ways to conduct social or economic or political process
then what is so wrong in that? I agree that wall street was not able to
hold  on to an illusion of a robust economy but should a failure to sustain
a willing suspension of disbelief act as another 'model' to snatch any
further 'model making' agency from this beautiful institution.

In many ways I find the existence of robust stock exchanges within a
country, cathartic. Do they not act as channels to dispel collective nervous
anxieties of social mobility and a greater share in re-distribution of
private income?

 It is true that a stock exchange cannot be a true representative of the
socio-economic health of a nation but is it not true, that at the same time,
a stock exchange can, in a way, project an image through rough indicators
about how a nation is faring as far as its biggest private industries are

You write-

These models had percolated to all forms of social
organization (e.g grant making bodies) and has had consequences on the
ways life choices, effectivity etc was written and imagined.

So? Would you not like to believe that even if these models have 'percolated
to all forms of social organization', there must have been innumerable
occasions when core arguments, procedures, processes contained in this model
must have had some amount of 'resistance'. I wonder what makes you so
disapproving of 'models'?

Warm regards


dear Taha,

I would think  it more about a  consensus that accumulates around some
visions and modalities in some institutions and schools of thought.
This then can have consequences . It more a speculation. I thought the
obsession around "models" that this report pointed out was interesting
to reflect on. These models had percolated to all forms of social
organization (e.g grant making bodies) and has had consequences on the
ways life choices, effectivity etc was written and imagined.


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