[Reader-list] India's new ruling caste

Taha Mehmood 2tahamehmood at googlemail.com
Tue May 26 12:14:26 IST 2009

Dear Rana,

Thanks for the post. I read it and thanked god for giving us such
pearls of wisdom  through Appu jee- imagine for a second, that  by
2019, good sense prevails and we did opt for presidential style
elections. We will have a federal structure in place and then imagine
somehow, that President Modi is able to win over a mere contender
called President Rahul. So!! what could we have as a possibility -
Praveen Swami as NSA, C Raja Mohan as Sec of State , Mohan Bhagwat of
the RSS as capable Sec. of Interior, APJ as Sec of Science and
Technology, Gurumurthy as Sec. of Finance, Praveen Togadia as Sec. of
Defense, Jaitely as Sec of Information and Broadcasting and Pramod
Muttalik as Sec of Culture. I am sure it is high time we pay heed to
the likes of Appu Jee by 'allowing the country's leader to select
competent people for cabinet positions' then and only then can India's
cherished dreams could be realized.

Regards or should I say Amen??


PS: Whose agenda is he following by the way??? We have just had a
bizzare election where an old man tried to lift weights, write blogs,
invite people for TV debates, wrote book and hopped around on a
chopper and spoke at length about what old people talk anyways like
getting weak at the center and so on and yet lost the bloody election.
And then we have Appu Jee telling us that no no no no....this is what
we need...arre bhai Why??? Thik hai why not. Point taken but why any

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