Infra is often glossed as ‘below’ a threshold. Here we could be in conversation, or could have initiated or instigated the process, but the authorial impulse is distributed and may not even coalesce into any entity. Here our practice folds within other practices, and develops a stream that is in conversation, yet keeps moving with its own momentum. The associative density that these practices acquire over long periods is unscripted. A cursory glance at the Sarai Readers (01 to 09) over a decade will show how they attracted authors and artists from so many parts of the world, from within inner cities to insulated laboratories, from hospital intensive care units to the raging fields of protests. This sediment is what propels the world around us.

Somewhere between in the next move
To have a conversation only with questions is like playing a game(chess), like a player is looking for a realm

Listening: Active Presence of Aura of the Ordinary
Listening: Active Presence of Aura of the Ordinary Suraj, Shamsher and Neelofar were part of the Cybermohalla Ensemble (2001-13), and co-authrored innumerable books, broadsheets, and art works with the Ensemble. Notable among them are Trickster City: Writings from the Belly of the Metropolis (Penguin-India, 2010, English translation of Bahurupiya Shehr, Rajkamal Prakashan, 2007), and Cybermohalla […]

Theory Opera
The Theory Opera aims to explore the sensuality of thoughts. These are live scenarios within the exhibition space at intersections of works, or within works, and outside PSA in Shanghai

Art as place: A proposition
The three curatorial projects City as studio, Art as a place and Common ground conceived between 2009- 2014 are an extension of Raqs’s engagement with the creative community that reimagine the questions around cultural infrastructures.
Cybermohalla Ensemble/ Nikolaus Hirsch / Michel Müller, Copublished by Sarai-CSDS and Sternberg Press (2011)

Strikes At Time
‘Strikes at Time’ is a lucid dream. It takes readings from an occasional anonymous journal, and a long walk at the edge of the city of the night to take back the night.
The Wherehouse Project
Lecture Performance with And Company & Co. Das TAT, Frankfurt (2004)
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