Asankh/ Countless
The material infinitude that makes up the real world, Raqs argues, is a swirling, entangled mass of vital, corporeal wills to live and exist actualized as forms of matter and sentience
Practice is the daily ‘work’ (as verb) of art. It represents the sum of all the moves – practical, conceptual, affective, cognitive, philosophical, analytical and aesthetic – that occupies/de-occupies the state of our triangulation at any given point of time. Being contingent, this practice is a shape-shifting thing, prone to surprise itself as much it surprises others. Like a mycelial inhabitation, indeterminate and unbounded, it expands.
The material infinitude that makes up the real world, Raqs argues, is a swirling, entangled mass of vital, corporeal wills to live and exist actualized as forms of matter and sentience
While retrieving the time gained in searching for all that is lost and found one can admit to a condition that one suspects that one shares with most people in the world today, of being lost, in search of time.
Homo Speculos, is a work that reflects on this condition. It places five ‘true mirror’ assemblages on five pedestals at different heights and angles, such that a person appearing in front of it, sees himself, or herself, broken, but re-assembled, and laterally un-reversed.
Coronation Park echoes and amplifies the accidental epiphany that Raqs experienced a long time ago about the nature of power at the eponymous derelict quasi-ceremonial space where relics of the British Raj are kept for the consideration of an absent public at the outskirts of Delhi.
The Bureaux of Raqs and Faqs takes the form of an onsite performance installation. It takes off from the fact that one of the ways in which the word ‘Raqs’, in the name of the collective, has been sometimes mistakenly parsed is as the acronym RAQS, ‘Rarely Asked Questions’, as opposed to ‘FAQS’ or ‘Frequently Asked Questions
Fever, Fever interrupts a tale of assassination, escape and sacrifice from the classical epic Mahabharata
Two works- Art in the Age of Collective Intelligence & If The World was a Fair Place
Circular plaques created as a part of Coronation Park (2015). They have inscribed statements adapted from George Orwell’s parable about the brittleness of Imperial authority, ‘Shooting an Elephant’ (1936)
The Namak Haram’s Philosophy, Revised Shown at: ‘Words, A user’s manual’, Gallery 320, New Delhi (2012) Treated Photographic Diptych96.6 inches x 24.4 inches Every book demands another, but not all of them get written. Every debt demands to be paid, but not all are redeemed. Then there are the debts that we owe to the all that we read, […]
In the world of labour, men and women, animals and devices come together and diverge in all sorts of interesting ways.
The Museum of Lost Constellations is an attempt to recover thirteen of them into memory through a set of objects that recall the names and lore connected to each lost constellation.
The Ecliptic reimagines the passage of time through a bespoke clock that blends inscribed words, shifting light, and syncopated electrical impulses
A Day in the Life of Kiribati gives the time of Kiribati, the first land on Earth to switch the calendar over to 2000, and which could be the first place on this planet to disappear with rising sea levels because of global warming
One Meter of Truth (Emotion)Shown at: ‘Asamayavali/Untimely Calendar’, National Gallery Modern of Art (2014) Steel table with wooden top, printed canvas 58”x 58”, 1m steel measure During a rehearsal process for a work being made with theatre artists, Raqs began to seek a language for states of feeling, and the body, that were at a […]
Reserve ArmyShown at: MuHKA, Antwerp (2008) | ‘The Audience and the Eavesdropper’, Phillips de Pury, London and New York (2008-09) | Galerie Krinzinger, Vienna (2009) Human-sized sand finish fibreglass sculptures, cash, and barbed wire ornaments, printed vinyl screen335 x 214 cm The sculptural installation The Reserve Army examines the intersection of a personal artistic practice […]
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