[Reader-list] Oishik and Vedavati : a syncretic bhangra video in the interest of the nation

ARNAB CHATTERJEE apnawritings at yahoo.co.in
Wed Dec 26 12:47:26 IST 2007

Dear Vedavati,
                        Don't talk to Oishik, he's  a
bad boy; bad and a mad boy. 
        After a lot of brain cracking I've got a hindu
music video for u[
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w2znSg9MDb8] ( your
eyes and ears only  though of course I cannot stop
other 'secular'  or as u spell "psudo" secular readers
from enjoying the same); however forgive an illicit
insertion here --the video and its two major
characters with their spectral presence  allowed me to
imagine --they are you and Oishik dancing together in
the interest of the nation. 
[Plz Use the above URL, if it fails, use search in
youtube for Jogiya by Romey Gill.]
yours in admiration

Vedavati Jogi <vrjogi at hotmail.com> wrote:

i have every right to express my views and i always
express them in decent manner. never use filthy
language. because i know what i am saying is correct
and it is in the interest of the nation. 

when people like you cannot do logical thinking hence
they use this language, this shows your level.

Date: Wed, 26 Dec 2007 10:18:27 +0530From:
pawan.durani at gmail.comTo:
oishiksircar at gmail.comSubject: Re: [Reader-list]
gujrat electionCC: ; vrjogi at hotmail.com
OISHIK ...you stink
On 12/25/07, OISHIK SIRCAR wrote: 
Dear Vedavati:Please shove your Hindu sentiments up
your arse... take that from a Hindubrother of yours
who had done that a long long time back... trust me it
feels orgasmic... and once you get the hang of it...
you'll keep doing itover and over again... shoving up
the Hindu bullshit I mean...May be that should be your
new year resolution...Good luck... OishikP.S.:
Apologies to other reader-list users for the
purposeful use of acertain kind of language (cannot
say whether it is indecent or not)... Iknow we need to
confront radicalism with reason... and not drivel...
but I hope to be excused this time... for the sake of
the holiday season!

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