[Reader-list] Rashneek and other evils

Javed javedmasoo at gmail.com
Mon Sep 22 17:03:46 IST 2008

My dear Rashneek, Pawan, Aditya and others
I don't want to butt in to this, but just wanted to say that
Mr.Shuddhabrata has made it very clear in his previous mails that he
is not in favour of terrorism - in fact there is no one on this list
who is trying to justify the acts of terror (whether in Delhi or
Orissa). Even Yousuf said that he is saddened by the death of
Inspector Sharma, and he didn't know about his death when he wrote his
original "media circus" post. We are all disturbed by the recent
events. I don't know why you folks are under the impression that the
Sarai List is not respecting the martydom of Ins.Sharma. There is no
question of anyone being happy about his death. But at the same time,
the questions being raised about the encounter needs to be addressed.
Trusting only the police version and rejecting the local people is not
a democratic practice. And then, making fun of somebody's version is a
further demeaning of other's view. If Shuddha or Yousuf are quoting
specific details which involve forensics, your sarcastic reply means
that you cannot find the right answer to the specific details. It
would be good if you could read each post carefully and then reply to
the specific queries, rather than have a knee-jerk reaction. I agree
that even Aarti's reaction to your sarcastic post was a bit knee-jerk.
But one should expect a little more decency from both sides.


On Mon, Sep 22, 2008 at 3:51 PM, sukanya ghosh <skinnyghosh at gmail.com> wrote:
> Rashneek,
> Simple question: why are you on this list? All we are privileged to get
> from you are rants and confused rhetoric or conspiracy theories. And
> when anyone tries to engage in any kind of debate/discussion on these
> you resort to abusive verbiage about 'you lot' and 'people like you'.
> You are the first to raise your shrill voice in defense of any
> jingoistic claptrap that is fed to us by various channels. The
> randomness of your mails and people like you (to take a leaf out of your
> language) leaves me stupefied. By your own special brand of non-logic,
> we are all (by default) mostly 'liars and distorters' which brings me
> back to this: why are you on this list?
> People who are as blind as they are are fervent about their complacency
> are the true terror in this country. You have no idea of humanity of
> even human interaction except through your lens of 'us and them'.
> Somebody's not Kashmiri, someones' not Hindu, someone's Kashmiri but not
> a Pandit, someone is a Hero and then of course someone is to be a
> villain. You and people like you are the reason why we live in such a
> fractured society that has feels it has no other recourse except that of
> violence. People like you who have adopted intolerance and poor judgment
> as their yardstick. You are the people who find satisfaction in
> retribution and revenge. It is ultimately people like you who give hope
> to those people who are behind the violent attacks all around us. Every
> time you point a finger at the dastardly 'other' who is the terrorist in
> another place remember who are creating two more who believe they should
> retaliate in kind.
> Sukanya
> rashneek kher wrote:
>> Shudda,
>> It is no laughing matter but the way you guys have been behaving makes me
>> sick.You are such a rotten lot that you dont even care that a brave officer
>> lost his life trying to protect people like you and me.Even before the story
>> broke you guys already had a case ready to call it a fake encounter.Have
>> some shame>what I wrote was a true reflection of people like  you and many
>> others here.
>> It is people like you who raise hue and cry everytime the Police wants to
>> act and that encourages your boys to kill more.
>> I really dont need to learn from a liar and distorter like you as to what I
>> am to do to combat terrorism.
>> Rashneek
>> On Mon, Sep 22, 2008 at 12:56 PM, Shuddhabrata Sengupta
>> <shuddha at sarai.net>wrote:
>>> Rashneek,
>>> I am absolutely appalled that you should find anything to laugh about in a
>>> terrible tragedy like what has occurred in Islamabad. I hope that all list
>>> members will join me in condemning this. I grieve for those who died in
>>> Islamabad as much as I grieve for those who died in Delhi, or Bangalore, or
>>> Ahmedabad, or Jaipur. As I am sure many sensible people would. No doubt,
>>> there will be people, not unlike you, in Pakistan, who will jump to the gun
>>> and say that the blast was the handiwork of 'Indian' agents. There is a
>>> mirroring that goes on in Pakistan of every stupid xenophobic paranoid
>>> sentiment in India. Such moves need to be resisted in Pakistan exactly as
>>> much as they need to be criticised and resisted in India. The security and
>>> intelligence apparatus of both states function in an arbitrary and
>>> unaccountable manner that ultimately rebounds back on the common people of
>>> both countries. It is time, that in both India, and in Pakistan, we saw
>>> through this game.
>>> No one on this list has ever condoned terrorism in any form, whether it
>>> happens in India, Pakistan or anywhere else. We do not make light of
>>> terrorism. Those of us who ask questions about the nature of investigations
>>> done by security agencies , do so, not because we have some kind of
>>> pathological desire to create a climate of contempt regarding acts of
>>> terror, but because we are deeply concerned at the mounting numbers of lives
>>> that are lost to terror. We are not convinced that the arbitrary and
>>> un-professional manner in which these investigations are conducted, be they
>>> in India, or indeed, in Pakistan, are actually instrumental in achieving any
>>> results. We are not convinced that  the conduct of the investigative
>>> agencies betrays a fidelity to the need for getting to the actual culprits.
>>> The reasons for our skepticism lie in the statements that are made by the
>>> invesitgative agencies, and the discrepancies and inconsistencies in them,
>>> and in the lackadaisical manner in which the pursuit of the sources of
>>> terror in all cases is conducted. They make an utter mockery of professional
>>> standards, be they forensic, or legal.
>>> If you are really interested in combatting terrorism, you will need to do
>>> more than laugh the next time a lot of people lose their lives,
>>> Shuddha
>>>  On 22-Sep-08, at 11:26 AM, rashneek kher wrote:
>>>  Dear Friends,
>>> A news agency called Sarai Express has just reported that the Marriot
>>> Bombing is a handiwork of Majrang Dal and Billi Police.The investigating
>>> team comprising of crime journalists,forensic experts,explosive experts and
>>> cyber intelligence team of the agency has reported a conversation between
>>> Talvin Pogadia(hiding in Kajaur) and Bhaliwal(hiding in the North Zaristan)
>>> congratulating each other after the blasts.
>>> While still on crime they have unearthed how the Delhi bombings was also a
>>> handiwork of the Sikh Nationalist force of Afghanistan and Hindu Terrorists
>>> of Pakistan.They have also brought to light how terrorists of both groups
>>> were trained in Kafirkot.
>>> This news sheds new light on how IM and SIMI(both harmless family
>>> planning and welfare organisations)were wrongfully being targetted by the
>>> Indian Agencies.
>>> (SARAI)
>>> Regards
>>> --
>>> Rashneek Kher
>>> Wandhama Massacre-The Forgotten Human Tragedy
>>> http://www.kashmiris-in-exile.blogspot.com
>>> http://www.nietzschereborn.blogspot.com
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>>>  Shuddhabrata Sengupta
>>> The Sarai Programme at CSDS
>>> Raqs Media Collective
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> --
> sukanya ghosh / +91 9831306925
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