[Reader-list] the world without borders

Inder Salim indersalim at gmail.com
Mon Jun 29 20:24:44 IST 2009

Dear all

 When Dear Taraprakash wrote

"in favor of the world without
borders would like to oppose special provision for Kashmir provided in
article 370."

i felt myself like a peace loving rabbit falling into a trap.
yes, it is wit, .... we may look carefully before we ask for boarderless world

I happen to be one of the millions who  stands for the collapse of
territories, but does that automatically santions a right to BUY land
and occupy the LAND of the poor. The land  should be very expensive in
this sense, but again, not for those who are landless ( paradox )

the elite/rich people are traditionally delighted to BUY land of the
OTHER for pea nuts. Should we oppose that in  BOARDERLESS WORLD?

I guess, we need to understand how there are some sacred areas, some
vital areas of earth , some life still, which is rapdily vanishing
from our life. How  urgently we neet to protect that,....

  but we naively say that LET US HAVE FREE TRADE which transcends boarders

How to define TRADE, trade that manipulates each and every move of our
life. How to trust traders of a so calle free world who are likely to
devour the poor after translating  her/him into a evening meal....

Unfortunately, that is already happeing, The world for Traders (
CAPITALISTS ) is boardersless world. It is there sweet will to be,
here or there, in any given space or time... the Traders of the world
even tell us what is the name of our God, how to worship, and how to
apply for visas. They have their own ways to fly at will.

it is for the poor of the world who have no mobility, ..........even
when there are no boarders....... they are unlikely to move beyond
their sweet territotires

this is just one layer, which i deeply think about, but ...



On Sun, Jun 21, 2009 at 12:28 PM, Rakesh Iyer<rakesh.rnbdj at gmail.com> wrote:
> Dear Taraprakash
> I accept the claim that Article 370 must be scrapped, and not only should it
> be scrapped, but not only Indians, but also people of all kinds of
> identities must be given the democratic right to buy property there if it is
> available for sale, and build houses and live there. I don't think this is
> something which can be objected to. However, this is ironically in case of
> an ideal scenario.
> In the current scenario, the fact remains that some part of the problem is
> communal and some part is not communal. Also, whatever be the romantic
> notions of the Kashmiris, the fact remains that both India and Pakistani
> state establishments are not going to release the Kashmir under their
> control, due to the sentimental and emotional capital attached with it. And
> India, in order to appease the Kashmiris on its side to be with it, has
> introduced this article.
> Therefore, if the ideal scenario case were to be followed, not only must
> Article 370 go, but also the LOC and the International Border must go. Both
> should be removed and all kinds of people must be allowed to move around and
> trade with each other, live where they get the chance to with certain norms
> obeyed.
> After all, it would be a shame that on one hand we argue that Muslims can't
> live in Hindu dominated areas in Gujarat or elsewhere, and then say that
> Hindus or other people can't live in Muslim dominated areas in Kashmir.
> Regards
> Rakesh
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