Log Book Entry Before Storm
Shown at: ‘Whorled Explorations’, Kochi-Muziris Biennale, Kochi (2014)
Site-specific transformation
Log Book Entry Before Storm is a site specific installation that occupies what was once a peculiar domestic space- a single house cut in two by a concrete wall to accommodate two families. The work re-introduces circulation into this still interior by perforating the intervening wall and introducing the possibility of movement. Around this restructuring of space emerges the dream-like and affective experience of the installation. This creates a space where circulations of all kind- of air, light, sound, depth and ideas- could be made possible. Elements like a mysterious deep sea diver and a lighthouse signaling to ships at sea draw the ocean into the interior.
At the entry to the installation a suspended monitor speaks in Morse code, commonly used for communication by lighthouses. It is set up in conversation with a plaque installed on the Vypeen Light House in Kochi. A cabinet acts as a passageway between the two halves of the house. On windowsills on the left half, images of ammonite fossils recovered from high altitudes point to a past moment when the world’s tallest mountains served as ocean floors. A drawing here is the rendition of a ‘Riemann Surface’- a form that infinitely loops itself, with no beginning or end and no inside or outside.