Twisted Time
Twisted Time (2024) is formed from two glass bicycle wheels mounted on a mirrored plinth where they rotate slowly
Twisted Time (2024) is formed from two glass bicycle wheels mounted on a mirrored plinth where they rotate slowly
Borderlands (2024) is a series of seven laser engravings on black sandpaper. Rendered black on black, the hard-to-decipher drawings riff off medieval depictions of animals where the intended creature and its depiction only nominally match.
A configuration of five graphic ‘imprints’ and three augmented-reality ‘interferences spread across various levels of The Cosmic House, London.
Autoluminous is an index of our awareness of the inscription of energy into every waking, sleeping and dreaming moment.
Hosted at Asia Art Archive’s Library, this year’s Annual Artist’s Lecture welcomes Raqs Media Collective as the guest speakers.
The Bicyclist Who Fell into a Time-Cone, published by Jencks Foundation (2023), takes the form of an artist book, and foregrounds text over image. Mirroring the film’s visual textures, the five voices in the pamphlet register varying distances from what is seen on the screen and its potential elucidations: voiceover, description of images, words on screen, added layers of annotations and meta-annotations.
All, Humans builds itself from uniquely human faculty of language to construct conceptual categories that transverse the human condition. It arcs out like a canopy – suspended between a multiplicity of minds, hearts and hands, sheltering and anticipating the universal human aspiration and claim for freedom, equality and dignity.
e-flux journal #27, September 2011, Raqs Media Collective
In The Theatre of Memory: The Work of Contemporary Art in the Photographic Archive Text by Raqs
soDA magazine 19, Zurich (2002); Casebook (2014, AGYU Canada), Raqs presented the concept of “Event-shaped Hole” which translated into the essay The Event-shaped Hole and the Photographic Image in The Nordic Journal of Aesthetics, 2021 Casebook (2014, AGYU Canada) A photograph is an image of an event-shaped-hole, and as witnesses to such perforations we could […]
Tears are not only for weeping, they lubricate the possibility of vision. Sometimes we see things better when we cry, cry out aloud, or laugh, till the tears come unbidden.
Do Harmonious Friends cause dissonance?Shown at: ‘The Laughter of Tears’, Kunstverein Braunschweig, Germany (2021) Blackboard paint, newspaper, chalk, text, silkscreen, glass eyes6 frames of 55 x 70 cm each An owl and a donkey interpolate themselves, indicating the simultaneity of leaving and returning. Tyll of Braunschweig teaches us the trick of being on both sides […]
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