Misadventures of A Phantom Limb

Vertical Video Loop | 2011  “Asamayavali/ Untimely Calendar”, at the National Gallery of Modern Art, New Delhi (2014) Prevailing economic theories, no matter how rational they pretend to be, attribute a quasi-mystical power to the force that is imagined as governing the continuing fluctuations of production and exchange. Often this force is named an ‘invisible hand’. […]

The Rest of Now

The Rest of Now Text by Raqs, published in “Manifesta 7 COMPANION”, one of three publications accompanying Manifesta 7, co-curated by Raqs Media Collective

The Librarian’s Lucid Dream

The Librarian’s Lucid Dream Wallpaper Experimenter Gallery, Kolkata (2010) Books have lost their titles, and the titles have gone astray, create dalliances with each others’ words. The Librarian’s Lucid Dream is a wallpaper carnival of impossible books made up of the index card entries for an imaginary library.  In each instance, the uncanny, nagging sensation that says […]

The Perpetual Recall of the Penultimate Afternoon

The Perpetual Recall of the Penultimate Afternoon Black and white lambda prints, Series of 5, each 76 x 76 cm Project 88, Mumbai (2010); NGMA, Delhi (2014) The Perpetual Recall of the Penultimate Afternoon constructs an itinerary in the footsteps of Rosa Luxemberg’s last days in Berlin, with a detour into the yard of the former Rosa […]

The Communist Latento

The Communist Latento is an image/text series that features photographs of found minimalist hand-drawn signage on transparent surfaces (mainly arrows and direction markers) annotated by a set of terse statements by Raqs.

Time is Money

Time is Money Prints, Series of 5, each 12 x 28 cm Impossible Exchange, Frieze Fair (2010); Time Currency, Liverpool Biennial (2010) Speculating on the concept of “time”, Time is Money intertwines financial and political matters related to capitalism with ontological issues related to ephemerality and permanence. “The idea of deploying time in terms of […]

Surface Tension Studies

Surface Tension Studies Giclée prints on Hahnemühle FineArt Baryta paper, Series of 13, each 25 x 40 cm Baltic Centre for Contemporary Art, Gateshead, Newcastle (2010) Surface Tension Studies is a suite of photographs which considers making choices between unfathomable depth and a distant horizon, encountering the strong pull of submerged currents, the attractions of beaching […]

The Knots that Bind are the Knots that Fray

In early April 2009 the last of the distinctive Titan cranes from the Tyneside Swan Hunter shipyard in northern England were loaded up onto a heavy load vessel and sailed out of the River Tyne.Raqs treats found footage of the last voyage of the ship-building cranes down the Tyne river (shot by an engineer and amateur shipyard enthusiast) to create a world of passages, transitions and departures.

phantoroman: Skirmish

phantoroman: SKIRMISH Laser-cut acrylic over inkjet on Hahnemühle FineArt Baryta paper, Series of 8, each 40 x 60 cm  Experimenter Gallery, Kolkata (2010) Skirmish is a brief, unhappy, love story with pictures and text, another of Raqs’ ongoing forays into the photo-roman form. Skirmish tells the story of an imagined estranged couple fighting a coded war of […]

Over Time

Seven frames stand in for the seven days of the week. Each frame contains an assemblage of suspended objects.

Can You Say that Again (5 Uneasy Pieces)

Can You Say that Again (5 Uneasy Pieces) Temporary public sculpture with 5 audio tracks (4:36, 4:43, 6:03, 4:59, 5:19); 5 sets of paired life-size sculptures with seating extensions, five recorded dialogues, speakers, sensors Anyang Public Art Project, Anyang, Korea (2010) Can You Say That Again? (5 Uneasy Pieces) features an intimate portable outdoor audio theater, […]

Super-Duper Helter-Skelter Lego World

Super-Duper Helter-Skelter Lego World Digital print on Hahnemühle FineArt pape, 89 x 41 cm Super-Duper Helter-Skelter Lego World is a map of the world in building blocks. Each block, repeated across the map, stands in for some superlative claim or the other on the planet and its resources. Perhaps this is a completed puzzle waiting […]

The Capital of Accumulation

The Capital of Accumulation is a video installation that writes an oblique narrative of the relationship between metropolises and the world in counterpoint to Rosa Luxemburg’s exceptional critique of global political economy, ‘The Accumulation of Capital’.

Brazen (Pittsburgh Torpedo)

Brazen (2009) was displayed at The Audience and the Eavesdropper, Phillips de Pury, London and New York.
In the grounds of an abandoned steel furnace, in a city that once made the greatest amount of steel in the world, there stands an emptied out torpedo car that once transported hot molten pig iron to a steel factory across a river on rail tracks.

The surface of each day is a different planet

The Surface of Each Day is a Different Planet | 2009Film (38 minutes)Art Now: Lightbox | Tate Britain Stories leak, histories collide. Bones, bodies, faces, and handwriting blur. Crowds gather and move. Open-ended and anti-documentary, The Surface of Each Day is a Different Planet builds sequential scenarios that move across time and space, while considering collectivity, anonymity […]


Escapement invokes clockwork, emotions, geography, fantasy and time zones to ask what is contemporaneity – what does it mean to be living in these times, in these quickening hours, these accumulating minutes, these multiplying seconds, here, now?

On the Other Hand

The clock’s hands measure the stations of the hours, while human hands play their own game of silhouettes, closing in on the hour of fear only to then open out on the moment of ecstasy, as if protecting Time from its own devices. 


The installation uses found poetry and accidental discoveries in archives and takes the form of a playful gesture of appreciation of the labour of the archivist.

One Four Four Zero

One Four Four Zero Acrylic glass tubes in circular acrylic housing, 15 x 64 cm diameter Escapement, Frith Street Gallery, London (2009) One thousand four hundred and forty crystal perspex tubes, some square, some circular, some hexagonal, sit tightly packed in what looks like an transparent empty clock set on a plinth. Each handcrafted perspex […]

Love is Engineering

used transparencies of mechanical drawing encased in plexiglass sheets, the clouded light of dawn and the rudimentary text of the screenplay of an imaginary film sequence to speak of the quotidian battle between love and time, fought over the delicate terms of the silent departure of a man from his lover’s bed.

Reserve Army

Reserve Army Human-sized sand finish fibreglass sculptures, cash, and barbed wire ornaments, printed vinyl screen, 335 x 214 cm MuHKA, Antwerp (2008); The Audience and the Eavesdropper, Phillips de Pury, London and New York (2008-09); Galerie Krinzinger, Vienna (2009) The sculptural installation The Reserve Army examines the intersection of a personal artistic practice (in this […]

Unusually Adrift from the Shoreline

Unusually Adrift From the Shoreline is a work about darkness, light, navigation and memory. Centred on a cinema lost to time, it is intended to prompt unfamiliar thoughts in the city. Thoughts and feelings about the pleasures and the hidden perils of losing oneself: in movies, at sea, and in the oceanic expanse of time.

Unfamiliar Tales

Unfamiliar Tales Lenticular photographs, Etched acrylic sheets, 2 sets of 2, each 90 x 120 cm Thyssen-Bornemisza Art Contemporary, Vienna, Austria (2008-09) “Unfamiliar Tales” is a pair of image-text diptychs titled ‘How The Most Terrible Solitude Was Overcome’ and ‘How the Long Wait for the Thaw was Endured’. The work features lenticular reproduction of photographic […]

Anonymous Steel Worker

Every factory has a time book. The time book is an index of the value of a worker’s time. It records hours, minutes and money, and acts as the memory machine of a factory.


DisOrient Print on bond paper, 30 x 21 cm Part of Markus Meissen’s The Violence of Participation, 2007 Lyon Biennale, Lyon (2007); Markus Meissen, The Violence of Participation (Berlin: Sternberg Press, 2007) A fragment of faux classical Greek statuary, an extended arm, stretches across the plane of a poster, traversing a laterally inverted map of […]


Time Book, Exhibition Mattress Factory, Pittsburgh (2007-08) Special thanks to the Rivers of Steel Heritage Area, Homestead, PA. Hanging on the wall across from the entrance are four non-working factory time clocks. The hand of each clock is set to the digits: 1-9-8-6, the year a number of steel mills in the area closed. An […]


Insurance%Investment illustrates the mental arithmetic of investment and insurance, two mechanisms designed to administer, anticipate and forestall risk, speculation and the possibility of failure.

Sightings & Four Figures

Sightings is a photographic experiment with decaying architecture that suggests cartographic resonances. While, Four Figures works out four ways of making sense of today’s world, mapping a frontier between precarity and possibility.

Just Passed Harmony

Just Passed Harmony Inkjet on galvanized aluminum. 18 x 182 cm Mattress Factory, Pittsburgh (2007-08) A long strip of galvanized steel bears the emboss of the high road, just past the town called harmony. On the way, possibly to Industry. 

However Incongruous

However Incongruous | 2011 Fibreglass (160 x 92 x 320 cm) | Print Albrecht Dürer came across rumors of the Indian rhinoceros named Gainda sometime in 1515 that he would immortalize in his woodcut, Rhinoceros. Gainda the rhinoceros, far from his native habitat in the grasslands of Gujarat (where no rhinoceroses remains today), was sadly lost at […]

The Mathematics of Anacoustic Reason

The Mathematics Of Anacoustic Reason Inkjet print, 182 x 120 cm Print containing images, text and mathematical symbols arranged in the form of an equation. “Out of the Equation: Roads to Reality” (a project curated by Hans Ulrich Obrist), NOW WHAT: Democracy and Contemporary Art, Space Hamilton and Insa Art Space, Seoul (2006) The Mathematics […]

With Respect to Residue

With respect to residue is a project deigned to provoke reflection about the things, states of being, and histories that end up abandoned and waste, as the detritus of the routine processes that constitute and maintain the world.

The K.D.Vyas Correspondence

The KD Vyas Correspondence Vol. 1 is an installation that embodies an epistolary enigma. The basis of this work are a set of eighteen ‘letters’ between Raqs and a person or entity who is identified as K.D. Vyas, sometime redactor of the Mahabharata.

Contribution For “2006 Peace Tower”

Contribution For “2006 Peace Tower” Vinyl Panel, 2 feet x 2 feet A piece in response to the invitation from Mark di Suvero and Rirkrit Tiravanija to contribute to the ‘Peace Tower’ for the Whitney Biennial 2006. The 2006 Peace Tower, echoes the ‘Artists Tower for Peace and Against the War in Vietnam’ designed by […]

There Has Been A Change Of Plan 

There Has Been A Change Of Plan  2006/ Photographs on Hahnemuhle FInArt paper.  Series of 4, each 96 x 137 cm There has been a change of plan, Gallery Nature Morte, New Delhi (2006)   There has been a change of plan features enigmatic images of aircraft abandoned in a dessert blossoming after a rain shower. […]

A Dying Man Sings Of That Which Felled Him

A Dying Man Sings Of That Which Felled Him Installation with rebar, furniture, closed circuit video  Sub-contingent, Fondazione Sandretto Re Rebaudengo, Turin (2006). Bombaysers de Lille, Maison Folie Moulins, Lille (2006-07)  “A dying man sings of that which felled him” presents its viewer with a silent song of a thousand words, a bier of iron […]

3 Caveats On A Barewall | 3 Caveats To Be Worn Casually

3 Caveats On A Barewall | 3 Caveats To Be Worn Casually Installation of bilingual wall texts and wrist band inscriptions Sub-contingent, Fondazione Sandretto Re Rebaudengo, Turin (2006)  “3 Caveats…” are a set of inscriptions designed to be read on a bare wall, or worn as wristbands, that ask questions about viewership, curation, exhibition and […]

 Erosion by Whispers

2005/ 2 lightboxes, galvanized wire, printed broadsheets, 66 x  76 x 13 cm | Exhibited at Ephemeral cities: A Project Space, Deptford X, London (2005) 

Lost new shoes

2005/ Installation with shoes, astroturf, and video projections | Exhibited at Citizens, Pitzhanger Manor House, London (2005); The City Gallery, Leicester (2005); Oriel Davies Gallery, Wales (2005); Ormeau Baths Gallery, Belfast; (2005).  Lost New Shoes confronts the notion of the ‘citizen’ by looking at the absence or void where a person may be. One way of […]

A Measure of Anacoustic Reason

A Measure of Anacoustic Reason | 2005Installation with 1 projection, 4 screens, 4 dialogues, 4 lecterns, 4 benches with embedded speakers, lightbox | Exhibited at India Contemporary, Venice Biennale (2005), Thermocline of Art, Zentrum fur Kunst und Medientechnologie, Karlsruhe (2007), There has been a change of plan, Nature Morte, New Delhi (2006)  A Measure of […]

The Wherehouse

The Wherehouse Installation with video, found objects, altered books, text panels, audio, spoken performance, photographs, and web page  Revolution/Restoration II, Palais des Beaux-Arts, Brussels (2004); Taipei Biennial, Taipei (2004–05) The Wherehouse is a constellation of images, objects and annotational possibilities designed to posit a speculative archaeology of/for the present moment. It constitutes an assemblage of […]

The Imposter in the Waiting Room

The Imposter in the Waiting Room Installation with video, photography, performance, text, sound and print Bose Pacia Gallery, New York (2004). National Gallery of Modern Art (NGMA) (2014) The Impostor in the Waiting Room is a consideration on what happens when modernity encounters its shadow. As a group of practitioners who navigate routes in and […]

The Network of No_Des

The Network of No_Des HTML 12th International Symposium on Electronic Art (2004) “Nodes, when written, perhaps erroneously, as ‘no-des’ gives rise to an intriguing hybrid English/Eastern-Hindi neologism, a companion to the old words – ‘des’, and ‘par-des’. ‘Des‘ (in some eastern dialects of Hindi, spoken by many migrants to Delhi) is simply homeland or native place; ‘pardes’ suggests exile, and an alien […]

Utopia is a hearing aid

2003/ Posters installed in situ in Venice, Italy. 90x 60 cm (Utopia Station, Venice Biennale 2003) External link: Is the World Sleeping, Sleepless, or Awake or Dreaming? by Raqs Media Collective e-flux journal issue #56 June 2014

A/S/L (Age/Sex/Location)

3-screen video & sound installation, with images, text and transcripts of a simulated chat room conversation | 2003 In this installation (which also doubles as a piece of text-based one-act electronic theatre), transcripts of chat sessions constitute an electronic patchwork that also includes real and simulated audio recordings of conversations between call centre workers and […]

TAS (Temporary Autonomous Sarai)

Raqs Media Collective with Atelier BowWow (Tokyo)  Portable, multi-use structure made with packing crates for computers, projectors, paper, sound and people.   Exhibited at How Latitudes Become Forms, Walker Art Center Minneapolis (2003) Commissioned by the Walker Art Center and funded by the Foundation, Temporary Autonomous Sarai is an installation and interdisciplinary collaboration between RAQS Media Collective (New […]

5 Pieces of Evidence

5 Pieces of Evidence | 2003/ Installation with 5 video screens, audio, and steel armature  5 Pieces of Evidence reflects on missing persons, urban myths, transitoriness, maps, and global networks. The five screens are narratively organized along the lines of a “whodunit.” Missing persons notices, street maps, demographic statistics, and images of pipelines, rail tracks, harbours, and […]


28.28 N / 77.15 E : 2001/02 (Co-Ordinates, Delhi) Raqs, with Pradip Saha, translate documentary video and audio log sheets, notes, excerpts from legal document, and stickers and signs to create a matrix of meaning around questions of space, access, barriers and the law in cites today. Documentary images of accidents, smog, crowds, police check […]

N- Dl Jn. (New Delhi Junction) 

Location: 28° 28′ N, 77° 15′ ETime Zone: – | – | UTC/GMT +5.30 HoursAirports: 1Inhabitants: 10,009,200 (Delhi), 16, 713,200 (Including Agglomeration) 24 x CD Players, Headphones and 24 x 5 Minute Audio Loops/MP3 | F.0037.0000 A sound work about moving into, and circulating within the city of Delhi – a magnet as well as a […]

OPUS (Open Platform for Unlimited Signification)

OPUS (Open Platform for Unlimited Signification) Software | 2022 OPUS (Open Platform for Unlimited Signification) was an online space for people, machines, and codes to play and work together – to share, create and transform images, sounds, videos and texts. Opus was an attempt to create a digital commons in culture, based on the principle of […]

Coordinates Of Everyday Life

Coordinates of Everyday Life
3 videos, 1 floor vinyl, 10,000 stickers for city walls
Co-ordinates 28.8N 77.15E. Installation using video screens, sound, print, and stickers
Documenta 11, Kassel, Germany (2002); CityOne conference, Sarai/CSDS Delhi (2003); The Roomade Office for Contemporary Art, Brussels (2003); Image Asia, Copenhagen (2003); Adaptations, curated by Craig Buckley, at Apex Art gallery in New York (2004); Fredrecianum, Kassel (2004); Digital Discourse, Malta (2005 – 2006).

The History & Practice of Cinematography in India

The History & Practice of Cinematography in India is a collection of transcripts of interviews with veteran and working cameramen, texts, archival photographs, production stills, bibliography, a timeline and other resources on the history of cinematographic practice in India.