(ANTI-)CAPITALISM: The Imminent Promise and Fear of a Getaway Car
Text by Raqs, published in ‘A Companion to Contemporary Art in a Global Framework’ (2024), edited by Jane Chin Davidson and Amelia Jones
The word ‘para’ gestures to a relationship to that which a thing stands beside, or at a tangent to. In our ‘para-practices’ are writings that we do, and conversations that we enter into, alongside. It could be the making of a Sourcebook for staging public discursive moments for a plural knowledge world, or a Curation, a processual duration with many to re-apprehend the world, or a Studio with students to reimagine the power of margins or thresholds.
Text by Raqs, published in ‘A Companion to Contemporary Art in a Global Framework’ (2024), edited by Jane Chin Davidson and Amelia Jones
The Bicyclist Who Fell into a Time-Cone, published by Jencks Foundation (2023), takes the form of an artist book, and foregrounds text over image. Mirroring the film’s visual textures, the five voices in the pamphlet register varying distances from what is seen on the screen and its potential elucidations: voiceover, description of images, words on screen, added layers of annotations and meta-annotations.
The Collective Eye interviews Raqs Media Collective and delves deep into their early days, influences, and experiences
e-flux journal #27, September 2011, Raqs Media Collective
Response by Raqs Monuments Must Fall Issue #24, British Art Studies (Conversation Piece convened by Edwin Coomasaru)
Upright board with an inscribed ‘Infra-Vocabulary’ of a selection from Raqs Media Collective’s synonyms for capital, taken from their work – ‘A Dying Man Sings of That which Felled Him’ (installation with video and inscriptions, 2006) which was subsequently published in their book, ‘Seepage’ (Sternberg Press, 2009)
Published in CURARE – Curatorial Studies by Ute Müller-Tischler and Solvej Helweg Ovesen The CURARE Reader is published as part of the CAMPI Curating and Management in Public Institutions program of the District Office for Mitte in Berlin, Office for Further Education and Culture, The Department of Art, Culture and History
Essay as a part of Half-Life, a collaboration between e-flux Architecture and the Art Institute of Chicago within the context of its exhibition “Static Range” by Himali Singh Soin
An invitation to epistemic disobedience with Raqs Media Collective
Art Collections of the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna (2021-2022)
The Laughter of Tears Solo ExhibitionKunstverein Braunschweig, Germany When we are in the sonic range of the flightpaths of a flock of birds returning to a roosting site, we become intimate with their together-ness. When people are awestruck by wonder, or tickled into laughter, or moved to tears, they momentarily transmit to each other before, […]
Raqs works with salt, or that refers to salt, as material or concept. The inquiry started from “Salt”, a photo-essay published in The Drama Review, Volume 65 Issue 4, 2021. Salt, The Drama Review, Volume 65 Issue 4, 2021 (download) A Planet Turns on its Axis Without Permission Single screen, Video, 18:04 minutes “Provisions for Everybody” at […]
An invitation to epistemic disobedience with Raqs Media Collective, in the Art Collections of the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna, 2021
Text and image essay by Raqs, published in The Drama Review, Volume 65 Issue 4, 2021
Text by Raqs, published in Curatography, Issue 2, Curators Living Rooms, Curating Asia International, 2021
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