The word ‘para’ gestures to a relationship to that which a thing stands beside, or at a tangent to. In our ‘para-practices’ are writings that we do, and conversations that we enter into, alongside. It could be the making of a Sourcebook for staging public discursive moments for a plural knowledge world, or a Curation, a processual duration with many to re-apprehend the world, or a Studio with students to reimagine the power of margins or thresholds.

Seen at Secunderabagh 

Seen at SecunderabaghShown at: Koninklijke Vlaamse Schouwburg, Brussels (2011)| Festival d’Automne, Le Centquatre, Paris (2011) | Wiener Festwochen, Vienna Festival (2012) | Chronus Centre, Shanghai (2013) | National Gallery of Modern Art, New Delhi (2014) Performative installation with actors, video projection, sets With Zuleikha Chaudhari The starting point for Seen at Secundrabagh is a photograph taken in 1857 […]