With respect to residue
Text by Natasha Eaton, on Raqs’s work. Published in Third Text online Forum: Decolonial Imaginaire
The word ‘para’ gestures to a relationship to that which a thing stands beside, or at a tangent to. In our ‘para-practices’ are writings that we do, and conversations that we enter into, alongside. It could be the making of a Sourcebook for staging public discursive moments for a plural knowledge world, or a Curation, a processual duration with many to re-apprehend the world, or a Studio with students to reimagine the power of margins or thresholds.
Text by Natasha Eaton, on Raqs’s work. Published in Third Text online Forum: Decolonial Imaginaire
Interview with Raqs by Melissa Karmen Lee, published in ASAP/Journal vol. 3.2, 2018
To Ask when Empty, To pour when Full Text by Raqs, “On the aestheticization of Politics”
Text by Raqs, published in Critical Times: Interventions in Global Critical Theory, Critical Times (2018) 1 (1): 272–276
Text by Raqs, published as a monograph for “The Contemporary Condition” series, series editors Geoff Cox + Jacob Lund, 2017
Text accompanying the performance titled Memorophilia held at Tate Modern (2016).
Text by Raqs, published under “Superhumanity” for the 3rd Istanbul Design Biennial
Text by Raqs. Published in Art History in the Wake of the Global Turn. Editors Jill H. Casid + Aruna D’ Souza. Clark Studies in the Visual Arts, Sterling and Francine Clark Art Institute, Williamstown & Yale University Press, 2014
Extra Time Conversation between Chang Tsong-Zung and Raqs Media Collective Published in ‘Extra Time’, editor Chen Yun. Featuring contributions by Raqs Media Collective, Chong Tzung Chang, Huang Chien Hung, Lu Xinghua, Gao Shiming, Mou Sen & Li Zhenhua, 2013
After Hours : Art, Imagination and the Residue of the Working Day Text by Raqs
Text by Cuauhtémoc Medina, eflux journal #38
A letter to Amália Jyran, who will be fifty-four in 2061 CE Text by Raqs, written to accompany Raqs’ contribution to the Momentum Nordic Biennale of 2011
Time Capsule, from 2011, is a time travel device which makes it possible for Raqs to claim its contemporaneity with the future
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